The Ottawa County Bar Association (OCBA) has been in existence since 1975 and currently has a membership of over 140 practicing and retired attorneys. The OCBA represents the interests of the attorneys practicing law and/or living within Ottawa County, Michigan. The primary purposes and activities of the OCBA are to aid in promoting improvements in the administration of justice and advances in jurisprudence, to facilitate communication and coordination between attorneys and our courts, to improve relations between the legal profession and the public, and to promote the interests of the local legal community.
With these goals in mind, the OCBA has provided financial support and community outreach in various ways, including support for local legal aid initiatives to provide legal representation for low-income persons. The OCBA also funds the Elise Joy Frantz scholarship to encourage and support local high school graduates who wish to pursue further education in the area of public service or law. The OCBA has taken positions on legal procedures with the courts and on legal issues by filing amicus briefs. Our members serve on a host of diverse boards and initiatives within Ottawa County and the State, seeking to improve our communities, our courts, and our laws.
Among the activities sponsored and supported by the OCBA, along with the Ottawa County Courts, are the annual Law Day Celebrations and the Bar-Bench Meeting. As part of Law Day, celebrated on May 1, “Law Week” includes ceremonies, events, and various seminars at the court offered for the public on relevant legal topics, as well as the Law Day dinner for court staff hosted by the OCBA. At the Bar-Bench Meeting in the fall, attorneys, judges, and court personnel gather for a luncheon, presentations, and discussions regarding current topics and issues affecting our practice. We also enjoy various social events as an organization, such the Fall Steak Fry and Golf Outing in memory of our colleague, Neal Stanton, and our holiday party in December.

Ottawa County has three District Courts and one Circuit Court.

OCBA selects an outstanding high school senior in Ottawa County every year for a $1,500 scholarship towards college tuition.
Membership is open to all law students, active attorneys, retired attorneys, and judges who live or work in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Membership includes invitations to our educational, networking, and social events throughout the year. For active attorneys, membership also includes an optional listing in our Find a Lawyer directory.
Membership dues ($75) are collected annually, and our membership year runs from April 1 to March 31. New members may join at any point in the year.
First time members are FREE for the first year!
For more information, visit the FAQs.
For any inquiries and questions, please contact
Annie Todd, OCBA Administrator, at
Mailing Address
Ottawa County Bar Association
414 Washington Ave, Suite 300
Grand Haven, MI 49417